Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 22.08.2023

RhineGene (“we” or “us”) is committed to processing personal data of website visitors in accordance with the data protection legislations. We also want to inform you that we use cookies on our website.

The purpose of this Website Data Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is to inform you about the data processing activities, and types and purposes of cookies obtained through your visits to (“Site”).

E-Bulletin Subscription

We do not prefer to collect personal data via the Site. Only channel on the Site to collect data is e-bulletin subscription form. If you fill this form, we will add the e-mail address you send us to the mailing lists. The address will not be used Except this activity or transferred to the third parties.

While sending you e-bulletins we depend on your consent. You can use the privacy settings not to accept e-bulletin more at any time.

Cookie Activities

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are small text files consisting of mostly letters and numbers that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies can sometimes enable the website to recognize your IP address and obtain certain data. In such cases, tracking the activities on websites and managing user perception pose risks to the fundamental rights of the visitors.

How are Cookies Collected and Processed?

When you visit our website, we process certain data through necessary, functional, and analytical cookies. Necessary cookies are related to the configuration of the cookie management tool encountered during your visit to our website. During this process, we do not process any personal data; we only see data related to whether the visitor has given consent on a specific date by accessing a masked numerical value. Functional cookies pertain to the user’s language preference on the site and are directly set up by our Company. The processing of data obtained through functional cookies requires the consent of the visitor. Analytical cookies are collected through visitor consent by means of the Google Analytics technology.

Types of Cookies Used on the Site:

Our website uses both first-party cookies (placed by the site you visit) and third-party cookies (placed by servers other than the site you visit). Below are the different types of cookies used on our Site:

Necessary Cookies: These are essential for the proper functioning of the site and for you to benefit from its features and services. For example, authentication cookies that come into effect when you log in to our site enable your session to continue from one page to another. Disabling these cookies may make some services and features unusable.

Functional and Analytical Cookies: These cookies are used to determine how you use the Site, including where you connected to the Site and what content you viewed during your visit, and the duration of your visit.

Purposes of Using Cookies:

We process your personal data through cookies for various purposes, strictly in accordance with the applicable legislation and limited to the purposes stated below:

  • Managing cookie settings by visitors
  • Performing essential functions for the operation of the Site
  • Analyzing the Site and improving its performance, such as integrating different servers operating on the Site, determining the number of visitors to the Site and making performance adjustments accordingly, or facilitating visitors in finding what they are looking for.

To Whom and for What Purposes Cookies May Be Transferred?

In the activities forming the subject of the Policy, we provide technical experts, who we receive support from as an external service, access to cookie data. We also have limited responsibility regarding the data obtained through the cookie processing technology called Google Analytics. Developers and owners of this solution may be collecting other data beyond what they provided us. You can find Google’s current Privacy Statements at .

We would like to inform you that Google Analytics servers may be located abroad from your country, and if you give your consent to Analytical Cookies, your data may be transferred abroad.

How Can You Control Cookie Usage?

Using cookies is not mandatory to use our Site. Unless you give your consent to cookies, we will not collect any cookie data based on the default settings of the Site. You can update your cookie settings through the cookie management tool. Additionally, you have the option to personalize your cookie preferences by changing your browser settings.

Google Analytics:

Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:


Safari: TR

Your Rights as a Data Subject:

You can send all kinds of opinions, suggestions, and requests regarding this Policy to